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HomePoliticsYoungest Fans of Politics Barely Remember a Time Without Trump

Youngest Fans of Politics Barely Remember a Time Without Trump

The Normalization of Trump: Young Voters’ Perspectives on the Former President’s Influence

Title: Young Voters Reflect on Growing Up in the Trump Era

When Donald J. Trump held a rally in Rome, Ga., in March, his audience included a second-generation supporter and first-time rallygoer named Luke Harris. Harris, now a 19-year-old student at Kennesaw State University, shared his journey of growing up in the era of Trump and how it has shaped his political views.

For the youngest Trump supporters participating in their first presidential election this year, Mr. Trump represents something that is all but impossible for older voters to imagine: the normal politics of their childhood. Charlie Meyer, a 17-year-old high school student, and volunteer at a Trump rally in Green Bay, Wis., shared how he was drawn to Mr. Trump at a young age due to his views on abortion, which resonated with his Christian beliefs.

Although President Biden continues to lead among 18- to 29-year-olds in most polls, recent surveys show Mr. Trump performing much more strongly with young voters than he did in previous elections. The latest polls indicate a close race between Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden among young voters, signaling a shift in demographics.

The Trump campaign sees an opportunity in these signs of change, especially with a stark gender divide emerging among young voters. John Brabender, a media consultant to Mr. Trump’s campaign, highlighted the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on this year’s young voters, leading to frustration with the current administration.

Young voters like Allyson Langston and Makai Henry shared their evolving political views, with Langston moving towards Republican values during her high school and college years, while Henry shifted towards independence and is leaning towards voting for Mr. Biden in his first presidential election.

As the 2024 election approaches, young voters reflect on their experiences growing up in the Trump era and how it has influenced their political beliefs and choices. The upcoming election will be a test of generational shifts and changing political landscapes among the youth in America.


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