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Who is leading the fundraising race among Arizona candidates in the 2024 election?

Arizona’s 2024 Federal Election Money Race: Who’s Leading in Campaign Funds?

The race for campaign funds is heating up as Arizona’s primary and general elections draw closer. With five competitive federal elections on the horizon, candidates are working hard to raise and maintain the necessary funds to stay competitive.

In the U.S. Senate race, Democrat Ruben Gallego is facing off against potential GOP candidates Kari Lake and Mark Lamb. Incumbent Senator Kyrsten Sinema leads the pack with over $10 million in the bank, but Gallego is not far behind with $6.5 million. Meanwhile, Lake trails with $2.1 million raised and just over $1 million on hand.

In Congressional District 1, Republican incumbent David Schweikert is gearing up for a tough battle against a handful of Democratic challengers. Conor O’Callaghan and Andrei Cherney have the most money ready to spend, but the rest of the field is also showing strong fundraising numbers.

In Congressional District 3, the race is between Democratic candidates Yassamin Ansari and Raquel Teran. Ansari leads the money race, having raised more than Teran last quarter and with double the amount on hand.

Congressional District 6 is shaping up to be another close contest, with Republican Juan Ciscomani and Kirsten Engel raising similar amounts. Ciscomani has the overall money advantage, however, with double the amount on hand compared to Engel.

In Congressional District 8, U.S. Senate candidate Blake Masters is leading the money race, having raised over a million dollars last quarter, mostly through self-funding. Speaker of the AZ House Ben Toma and other candidates are also showing strong fundraising numbers.

As the candidates continue to vie for campaign funds, the financial landscape of Arizona’s upcoming elections is sure to shift. Stay tuned for more updates on the money race as the primary and general elections approach.


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