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HomeMike JohnsonUS Speaker Mike Johnson could face consequences for involvement in Ukraine deal

US Speaker Mike Johnson could face consequences for involvement in Ukraine deal

US House Passes $61bn Ukraine Aid Package in Historic Vote

US House Passes $61bn Ukraine Aid Package in Historic Vote

In a rare moment of bipartisan cooperation, the US House of Representatives approved a $61 billion aid package for Ukraine, marking a significant win for the war-torn country in its battle against a Russian offensive.

The passage of the aid package comes after months of delay and increasing urgency, with Ukraine in desperate need of military supplies to fend off the advancing Russian forces. The approval of the aid package is a major victory for President Joe Biden, who has been vocal about the importance of supporting Ukraine in the face of aggression.

The aid package includes funding for air defense systems and artillery units, which could be sent to Ukraine within days of final approval. The Senate is expected to pass the aid package, which also includes funding for Israel and Taiwan, early next week.

Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson played a crucial role in securing the passage of the aid package, despite facing resistance from some members of his own party. Johnson’s decision to seek Democratic support for the bill may have political consequences, as some Republicans are now calling for his removal from the speaker’s chair.

While Johnson defended his actions and expressed confidence in his leadership, the coming weeks will be crucial in determining his political future. The aid package represents a significant achievement for Johnson, who has faced challenges in his leadership role but managed to navigate the complex political landscape to deliver much-needed support to Ukraine.

As the aid package moves forward, the focus will now shift to ensuring that the funds are used effectively and that Ukraine develops a strategy to end the conflict. Johnson’s leadership in securing the aid package has been praised, but the coming weeks will test his ability to maintain support and navigate the challenges of a divided Congress.


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