Wednesday, July 3, 2024
HomeKari LakeTrump's Support for Kari Lake is Waning

Trump’s Support for Kari Lake is Waning

Donald Trump Rules Out Kari Lake as Running Mate: The Washington Post Story

The Washington Post recently reported that former President Donald Trump has all but ruled out choosing Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake as his running mate for the upcoming election. Despite months of speculation that Lake may be one of his top choices for VP, Trump’s reason for souring on her is quite Trumpian.

The article delves into Trump’s concerns about Lake’s political prospects in Arizona, a state he sees as crucial for his potential return to the White House. According to sources close to Trump, he is annoyed by Lake’s frequent presence at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida and believes she should be spending more time campaigning in Arizona.

One key incident that may have contributed to Trump’s decision was when a recording was released of the state’s former Republican Party Chairman urging Lake to stay out of the Senate race. Trump’s reaction to this revelation, as reported by the Washington Post, suggests that he may have been taken aback by Lake’s tactics.

Overall, Trump’s distancing from Lake appears to be driven by concerns about her campaign strategy and political viability in Arizona. This development adds a new twist to the ongoing speculation about Trump’s potential running mate for the 2024 election.


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