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HomeKari LakeTrump Fed Up with Kari Lake's Mar-a-Lago Visits, According to Washington Post

Trump Fed Up with Kari Lake’s Mar-a-Lago Visits, According to Washington Post

Donald Trump Concerned About Kari Lake’s Presence at Mar-a-Lago: Washington Post Report

Arizona Republican Senate candidate Kari Lake is finding herself in hot water with former President Donald Trump, as reported by the Washington Post. According to the Post’s recent feature, Trump is growing concerned that Lake has been spending too much time rubbing elbows with the MAGA elite at Mar-a-Lago, rather than focusing on her campaign in Arizona.

The report reveals that Trump has privately expressed doubts about Lake’s ability to win in Arizona and worries that her controversial election fraud claims from 2022 could harm his own presidential prospects in 2024. In fact, Trump reportedly told a political ally at a dinner that Lake “didn’t win,” bluntly dismissing her claims.

One particular incident that caught Trump’s attention was when a Lake ally released a tape suggesting that former Arizona GOP chair Jeff DeWit offered a bribe to dissuade Lake from running for Senate in 2024. Trump’s reaction to the tape was described as more surprised than angry, with him reportedly commenting, “She tapes everything? That’s good to know.”

In response to the report, Trump issued a statement praising Lake as a “Smart and Fearless Leader” who will help Republicans flip the Senate. However, he did not address the specific claims made in the Post’s feature.

As tensions between Trump and Lake continue to rise, it remains to be seen how this will impact Lake’s campaign and Trump’s future political plans. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.


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