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HomeDavid McCormickThe Importance of Debates in Senate Elections - Times News Online

The Importance of Debates in Senate Elections – Times News Online

Bob Casey Proposes Debates with Challenger David McCormick in Pennsylvania Senate Race

Democratic U.S. Sen. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania and his Republican challenger David McCormick have agreed to a series of debates leading up to the November general election. The race for a Senate seat in the battleground state is expected to be highly competitive and could help determine control of the chamber next year.

Casey proposed three debates in the fall, one each in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Harrisburg, before the Nov. 5 election. McCormick readily accepted the proposal, stating that it is a good way for the candidates to make their case to the public.

The tradition of political debates in Pennsylvania has a long history, with the last robust conversation between candidates taking place in 2006 between Casey and then-GOP Sen. Rick Santorum, who had four debates. Since then, debates have not been a major feature in the state’s Senate races.

In the 2022 Senate race, Democratic nominee John Fetterman participated in just one debate due to health issues following a stroke. In contrast, the 2022 gubernatorial race in Pennsylvania saw no debates between Democrat Josh Shapiro and Republican Doug Mastriano.

The upcoming debates between Casey and McCormick are expected to provide voters with valuable insights into the candidates’ positions and policies. With the Senate race in Pennsylvania being closely watched nationally, these debates could play a crucial role in shaping the outcome of the election.


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