Sunday, July 7, 2024
Home2024 CampaignThe ex-president campaigns on his record

The ex-president campaigns on his record

Finding Jurors for the Donald Trump Hush Money Trial: What We Know Now

As the hush money trial of former President Donald Trump continues in New York City, the question arises: how are jurors who have not heard about the case going to be found? Despite the lack of protests from Trump’s supporters outside the courthouse, the former president is actively campaigning for the upcoming election while facing criminal charges.

Trump’s strategy of conducting quasi-campaign events to complain about the legal proceedings against him and promote his presidential candidacy is reminiscent of his tactics after previous indictments. However, this time around, his focus is on appealing to Independents and moderate Republicans who may turn away from him if he is convicted.

According to a recent Reuters/Ipsos poll, a significant percentage of voters, including Republicans, would reconsider their support for Trump if he is convicted. This uncertainty surrounding the trial’s impact on voters has both the Trump and Biden campaigns on edge, as no former president or major party candidate has ever stood trial during an election year.

Despite the ongoing trial, the political race between Trump and Biden remains neck and neck. Trump’s attempts to rally supporters in person have not been successful, with small demonstrations outside the courthouse being overshadowed by other events. Trump’s campaign events have also faced setbacks, such as a canceled rally in North Carolina due to bad weather.

As Trump continues to campaign within the confines of his trial, Biden and his team are making light-hearted references to Trump’s legal troubles. While Biden is not directly addressing the trial, he is subtly poking fun at Trump’s predicament.

With the trial expected to last several more weeks, the impact on voters remains uncertain. Trump’s efforts to rally support and campaign while facing criminal charges may not be enough to sway undecided voters. As the trial progresses, both candidates will continue to navigate the delicate balance between addressing the legal proceedings and focusing on the issues that matter to voters.


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