Tuesday, July 2, 2024
HomeChuck HandThe cause of King Charles' swollen 'sausage fingers' explained by medical experts

The cause of King Charles’ swollen ‘sausage fingers’ explained by medical experts

King Charles Jokes About His Swollen “Sausage Fingers” in New Documentary

King Charles, the monarch of Britain, has been caught on camera joking about his swollen “sausage fingers” in a new documentary on his coronation. In the footage, King Charles is seen playfully teasing his son, Prince William, about his fingers while the prince helps him with his robe.

The medical reason behind King Charles’ swollen fingers, also known as dactylitis, is explained by GP Chun Tang, medical director at Pall Mall Medical in Manchester. He mentions that puffy fingers can be a symptom of water retention caused by various health conditions such as inflammation, arthritis, infections, and autoimmune diseases.

Despite the seriousness of the condition, King Charles has always maintained a lighthearted approach towards it. In a letter to a friend after the birth of Prince William, he humorously remarked about their matching “sausage fingers.” Even Queen Elizabeth has commented on the size of Charles’ hands, noting their difference from hers and his father’s.

The documentary sheds light on a personal aspect of the monarch’s life, showcasing his sense of humor and resilience in the face of health challenges. King Charles’ candid remarks about his condition have endeared him to the public, showing a relatable and human side to the royal family.


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