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HomeMark LambSinema's underwhelming fundraising quarter sparks concerns about campaign prospects

Sinema’s underwhelming fundraising quarter sparks concerns about campaign prospects

Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema Faces Fundraising Challenges in Potential Three-Way Race

Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema Faces Uphill Battle in Re-Election Bid

Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema is facing new challenges in her bid for re-election, as she raised significantly less in the last quarter of 2023 compared to her leading challengers. Sinema, who still has over $10 million in her campaign account, raised less than $600,000 in the last quarter, while Rep. Ruben Gallego raised $3.3 million and GOP hopeful Kari Lake raised $2.1 million in the same period.

Sinema, who left the Democratic Party in 2022, will also have to collect more signatures to get on the ballot than her competitors, with a requirement of at least 42,303 signatures. Despite her incumbent advantage, analysts are questioning Sinema’s chances in what could be a tough three-way race.

Political analyst J. Miles Coleman of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics noted that lackluster fundraising by incumbents facing re-election is often a sign of potential retirement. Sinema has not officially confirmed if she will run, adding to the uncertainty surrounding her campaign.

While Sinema still has a significant amount of money in her campaign account, analysts believe that the upcoming quarter will be crucial for both Republicans and Democrats vying for the Senate seat. With Sinema’s future in the race uncertain, the competition between Gallego and Lake is expected to intensify, with both candidates likely to ramp up their fundraising efforts in the coming months.

Overall, Sinema’s fundraising challenges and the approaching deadline for ballot signatures have raised doubts about her re-election prospects. As the race heats up, all eyes will be on how Sinema and her competitors navigate the increasingly competitive political landscape in Arizona.


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