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RNC Opposes Counting Votes After Election Day

Republican National Committee Co-Chair Lara Trump Defends Legal Filings in Battleground States to Ensure Fair Election

Republican National Committee Co-Chair Lara Trump Defends Legal Filings in Battleground States to Ensure Fair Election

Republican National Committee Co-Chair Lara Trump recently defended the legal filings by the party and the Donald Trump campaign in electoral battleground states in an interview with Fox News. Speaking with Maria Bartiromo, Lara Trump emphasized the importance of ensuring a free, fair, and transparent election process.

The recent legal filings, including one in Nevada, aim to invalidate mail-in ballots that are counted after Election Day. Lara Trump explained that the campaign’s goal is to have Election Day be the last day that mail-in ballots can be counted in Nevada, as per the state’s law allowing ballots to be tallied up to four days after the election.

In a statement, RNC Chairman Michael Whatley criticized Nevada’s ballot receipt deadline, stating that ballots received days after Election Day should not be counted as it violates federal law and undermines election integrity in the state.

The campaign has also seen success in Pennsylvania, where a recent lawsuit challenged a rule requiring mail-in voters to date the declaration on the return envelope of their ballot. The court’s opinion upheld the rule, leading to a victory for the campaign.

Despite opposition from the ACLU’s Voting Rights Project, the RNC referred to the ruling as a “crucial victory” in ensuring that voters comply with ballot-casting rules to prevent disenfranchisement.

Looking ahead to the upcoming election, Lara Trump mentioned plans to have volunteer attorneys at every polling location to ensure a smooth and timely election process without delays in ballot counting.

The legal filings and victories in battleground states reflect the campaign’s commitment to upholding election integrity and transparency. Watch the full interview with Lara Trump for more insights on the campaign’s efforts to ensure a fair election.


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