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HomeEric HovdeRepublican Wisconsin Senate candidate clarifies he supports elderly people voting

Republican Wisconsin Senate candidate clarifies he supports elderly people voting

Republican Candidate in Wisconsin Senate Race Clarifies Stance on Elderly Voting

Headline: Republican Candidate in Wisconsin Senate Race Clarifies Stance on Elderly Voting

In a closely watched U.S. Senate race in Wisconsin, Republican candidate Eric Hovde clarified his stance on elderly people voting after facing criticism for his initial comments about nursing home voting. Hovde, who is running against Democratic Sen. Tammy Baldwin, emphasized that he does not oppose elderly people voting, despite his previous remarks.

The race between Hovde and Baldwin is crucial for Democrats to maintain their majority in the Senate, with recent polls showing the race is neck and neck among likely voters. The issue of nursing home voting has been a hot topic in Wisconsin since the 2020 election, when allegations of illegal voting in nursing homes were raised by supporters of former President Donald Trump.

Hovde had initially stated that “almost nobody in a nursing home” is capable of voting, but he later clarified that his concern was based on reports of questionable voting practices involving severely ill residents. He reiterated that he believes elderly people should have the right to vote, despite concerns about the mental capacity of some nursing home residents.

The controversy surrounding nursing home voting has led to calls for tighter rules on voting in nursing homes, with Republicans in the Legislature pushing for changes. However, these measures have faced challenges in passing or have been vetoed by Governor Tony Evers.

Overall, the issue of nursing home voting continues to be a point of contention in the Wisconsin Senate race, with both candidates facing scrutiny over their positions on the matter. The outcome of the race could have significant implications for the balance of power in the Senate.


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