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HomeChuck HandRepublican senators request Facebook to provide FBI communication regarding Hunter Biden

Republican senators request Facebook to provide FBI communication regarding Hunter Biden

Republican Senators Demand Facebook Communications with FBI and DOJ Regarding Hunter Biden

Republican Senators Ron Johnson and Chuck Grassley are demanding answers from Facebook regarding their communications with the FBI and the Justice Department relating to Hunter Biden and his controversial laptop. The Senators have sent a letter to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, asking for all communications and the names of officials who warned Facebook about potential Russian disinformation.

Zuckerberg recently revealed on a podcast that the FBI had warned Facebook about a possible “Russian propaganda” dump before the 2020 election, leading the social media giant to suppress a story about Hunter Biden’s laptop. This revelation has raised concerns about the FBI’s actions regarding Hunter Biden and whether they used Facebook to discredit information about him.

Whistleblowers have alleged that FBI officials downplayed derogatory information on Hunter Biden and instructed employees not to investigate his laptop immediately after obtaining it. The Senators are also demanding records from the DOJ and FBI regarding their contact with social media companies about the Biden family, Hunter’s laptop, and Russian disinformation.

The Senators criticized the FBI for failing to answer congressional inquiries and for interfering in their investigation into Biden family misconduct. They are seeking transparency and accountability from both the FBI and Facebook regarding their actions during the 2020 election.

This story highlights the ongoing controversy surrounding Hunter Biden and raises questions about the role of social media companies and law enforcement in shaping public perception and information dissemination.


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