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HomeEric HovdePolls Show Eric Hovde's Chances of Defeating Tammy Baldwin in Wisconsin

Polls Show Eric Hovde’s Chances of Defeating Tammy Baldwin in Wisconsin

Wisconsin Senate Election Poll Shows Dead Heat Between Baldwin and Hovde

The Wisconsin Senate election between Democratic Sen. Tammy Baldwin and Republican businessman Eric Hovde is shaping up to be one of the most important races in November, with a new poll showing likely voters split on who they will support.

The Marquette University poll released on Wednesday revealed that the race is a dead heat, with 50 percent of likely voters planning to vote for Baldwin and another 50 percent supporting Hovde in November. Wisconsin, a key battleground state, is evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans, making this race crucial in determining the balance of power in the Senate.

Former President Donald Trump narrowly carried Wisconsin in 2016, but President Joe Biden flipped it back to Democrats in 2020 by a slim margin. The upcoming election is expected to be highly competitive, with the Senate race playing a pivotal role in deciding which party controls the chamber in 2025.

Baldwin, who has a history of strong performances, won by more than 10 points in 2018. However, polls suggest that the 2024 race will be more competitive. While the latest poll showed a tie among likely voters, Baldwin maintained an advantage among registered voters, winning 52 to 47.

Among likely voters, Baldwin garnered support from 8 percent of Republicans, while Hovde received backing from 2 percent of Democrats. Independents leaned towards Baldwin by a margin of 32-26.

The Hovde campaign celebrated the poll results, portraying Baldwin as a “rubber stamp for the Biden agenda” and emphasizing the tight race ahead. Baldwin’s campaign has not yet commented on the poll.

Despite the Emerson College poll from March showing Baldwin with a slight lead, the Cook Political Report rates the election as “Lean Democrat,” indicating a competitive race with a Democratic advantage. Baldwin also outpaced Hovde in fundraising during the first quarter of 2024, with a significant financial advantage heading into the election.

As the race heats up, all eyes will be on Wisconsin as voters decide the outcome of this critical Senate election.


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