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HomeEric HovdePolls show Democratic Senate incumbents ahead in 2 swing states

Polls show Democratic Senate incumbents ahead in 2 swing states

Democratic Senators Lead Republican Opponents in Key Battleground States: Polling Shows Casey and Baldwin Ahead

Democratic senators Bob Casey and Tammy Baldwin are currently leading their Republican opponents in polling for the upcoming Senate races in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, according to new data released by CBS News/YouGov on Monday.

In Pennsylvania, Sen. Bob Casey is ahead of Republican nominee Dave McCormick by 7 points, with 46 percent of the vote compared to McCormick’s 39 percent. Meanwhile, in Wisconsin, Sen. Tammy Baldwin is leading her likely GOP challenger Eric Hovde by the same margin, with 48 percent to 41 percent.

The polls indicate that both states will be crucial battlegrounds in the upcoming election, with the results potentially impacting the balance of power in the Senate. President Biden and former President Trump are both eyeing these states as key components of their paths to victory in the presidential race.

Casey, who is seeking his fourth term in Pennsylvania, will face off against McCormick in the general election. In Wisconsin, Baldwin is running for her third term and is currently leading Hovde, who has garnered significant Republican support for his campaign.

While the polling numbers are favorable for the Democratic incumbents at this stage, CBS News noted that the race could still shift as Election Day approaches. McCormick and Hovde are less well-known than Casey and Baldwin, and many undecided voters are Republicans who are currently supporting Trump in the presidential race.

The polls also revealed that a small percentage of likely voters in both states are choosing candidates from different parties in the presidential and Senate races, giving the Democratic senators a slight advantage.

The surveys were conducted among registered voters in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin from April 19-5, with a margin of error of 3.1 points and 3.2 points, respectively.

As the election season heats up, all eyes will be on Pennsylvania and Wisconsin as the races unfold, shaping the political landscape for the next session of Congress.


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