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HomeChuck HandOnline users roast King Charles for his alleged 'sausage fingers'

Online users roast King Charles for his alleged ‘sausage fingers’

Doctor weighs in on King Charles III’s alleged “sausage fingers” going viral on Twitter

The viral photos of King Charles III’s alleged “sausage fingers” have taken the internet by storm, with Twitter users poking fun at the royal’s bloated and red digits. However, a doctor has weighed in on the situation, shedding light on potential health implications for the monarch.

Dr. Gareth Nye, a senior lecturer at the University of Chester, explained that conditions such as oedema or fluid retention could be causing King Charles’ swollen fingers. Oedema is a common condition that affects older individuals and can cause limbs, including fingers, to swell due to fluid retention.

Another possibility suggested by Dr. Nye is arthritis, which can cause stiffness, pain, and swelling in the fingers. However, he reassured the public that there is no immediate cause for alarm, as swollen fingers are likely a sign of the king’s age.

Despite the speculation surrounding his fingers, King Charles III appears to be in good health and fully capable of carrying out his royal duties. In fact, moments before signing the Accession Proclamation to officially ascend to the throne, the monarch used his “sausage fingers” to frantically gesture at aides, showcasing his ability to communicate effectively.

This recent focus on the royal family’s hands comes on the heels of concerns about Queen Elizabeth II’s health, as she was seen with a black bruise on her hand before her passing. While the cause of her bruise remains unknown, it has sparked discussions about potential health issues within the royal family.

Overall, the viral photos of King Charles III’s fingers have sparked both humor and concern online, but it seems that the Hand of the King is still in good working order despite the jokes.


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