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HomeMike JohnsonMike Johnson's Response to President Biden After Eye-Rolling Incident at State of...

Mike Johnson’s Response to President Biden After Eye-Rolling Incident at State of the Union

Speaker Mike Johnson Apologizes to Joe Biden for Eye-Rolling Incident During State of the Union Address

Speaker Mike Johnson made headlines after revealing what he told President Joe Biden following a viral moment during the State of the Union address in February. Johnson, a Louisiana Republican, was caught on camera rolling his eyes as Biden spoke, despite instructing his conference to maintain decorum.

During an event on Capitol Hill celebrating the relationship between Ireland and the U.S., Johnson took the opportunity to apologize to Biden for the eye-roll memes that circulated globally. The president appreciated the gesture and even joked about Johnson’s behavior being better than that of former Speaker Nancy Pelosi during Donald Trump’s final State of the Union address.

The exchange between Johnson and Biden highlighted the speaker’s desire to be seen as a gentleman in addition to a politician. Despite frequently criticizing Biden, Johnson’s apology showcased a rare and welcome action in Washington’s increasingly divisive political landscape.

While Johnson has not shied away from criticizing Biden’s policies, his apology for the viral eye-roll moment demonstrated a willingness to maintain decorum and civility in political discourse. As the political climate becomes more contentious, Johnson’s apology serves as a reminder of the importance of respectful dialogue in the nation’s capital.


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