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HomeEric HovdeMiddle America: A Wealthy Candidate's Failed Senate Campaign

Middle America: A Wealthy Candidate’s Failed Senate Campaign

Millionaire Eric Hovde’s Lackluster Senate Campaign Announcement in Wisconsin

Millionaire Eric Hovde’s Senate Bid Announcement Met with Lukewarm Reception

In a much-anticipated announcement in mid-February, millionaire Eric Hovde declared his intention to challenge incumbent Democratic U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin. However, the announcement did not go as smoothly as expected, with Hovde’s campaign facing a barrage of bad news in the lead-up to the event.

Hovde, who was reportedly lukewarm about running for Senate, finally decided to enter the race after Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell included him on his list of favorite candidates to help Republicans retake control of the Senate. On February 20, Hovde gathered his supporters in a building he owns in downtown Madison to make his candidacy official.

However, the event got off to a rocky start, with attendees waiting for twenty minutes past the start time before Hovde’s brother, Steve, took the stage to introduce him. Hovde’s speech, which invoked the American Dream and Ronald Reagan, failed to make a strong impact, drawing only polite applause from the audience.

The campaign also faced criticism for recent news reports that reinforced Hovde’s image as an out-of-state millionaire dabbling in Wisconsin politics. Reports revealed that Hovde transferred his $2.3 million home in Washington, D.C., to a family trust managed by his brother and owns a $7 million mansion in Laguna Beach, California, near the headquarters of the bank he owns.

Furthermore, Hovde’s campaign launch television ad failed to mention Wisconsin, drawing incredulous reactions on social media. The candidate’s message, which focused on defending the American dream and addressing issues like national debt and inflation, lacked specificity and failed to resonate with voters.

Hovde’s candidacy also faces challenges due to his hardline stances on issues like immigration and abortion, which position him on the far right end of the political spectrum. Additionally, Hovde’s opponent, Senator Tammy Baldwin, is known for her deep connection with Wisconsin constituents and track record of delivering for the state.

As Wisconsin gears up for the 2024 elections, Democrats and progressives are feeling optimistic, with new voting maps reflecting a more balanced partisan split in the state. The shift in political dynamics could benefit Democratic candidates down the ballot, posing a significant challenge to Hovde’s Senate bid.

In a state where every vote counts, Hovde’s candidacy appears to be facing an uphill battle against a formidable incumbent and a reenergized Democratic base.


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