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Mhairi Black does not rule out running for Scottish Parliament after leaving Westminster

Mhairi Black Considering Standing for Scottish Parliament After Westminster Resignation

Mhairi Black, the SNP’s deputy Westminster leader, has sparked speculation about her future political plans after refusing to rule out standing for the Scottish Parliament once she steps down from Westminster. Speaking at an event in Edinburgh, Black stated that she was keeping her options open and would take some time to figure out her next steps.

The announcement of Black’s decision to step down as an MP at the next general election came as a surprise, just eight months after she was appointed as the Westminster group’s deputy leader. Black, who made history as the UK’s youngest MP when she was elected in 2015 at the age of 20, has been a prominent figure in Scottish politics.

When asked about a potential run for Holyrood, Black mentioned that she would take a moment to breathe and assess her options before making any decisions. She emphasized that she was not closing herself off to any possibilities and would see what opportunities lie ahead.

Black also shared her thoughts on Scottish independence, stating that she believed Scotland would eventually become independent, although the timeline was uncertain. She highlighted the importance of the SNP and the current coalition in Scotland, noting that they were the best option available despite room for improvement.

As Black navigates her next steps in politics, her potential candidacy for the Scottish Parliament has captured the attention of many, with supporters eagerly awaiting her decision. Stay tuned for updates on Mhairi Black’s political future.


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