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Man who captured the ‘most viewed photo ever’ received a hefty payment, requiring the image to be hand-delivered.

The Man Behind the ‘Most Viewed Photo in the World’ Reveals the Incredible Story Behind the Iconic Image

Chuck O’Rear, the man behind the ‘most viewed photo in the world,’ has finally opened up about the incredible journey he had to go through to deliver the iconic image after it landed in the hands of a very famous buyer. The photo, titled Bliss, was taken back in 1996 during a routine journey through California, capturing a picturesque scene that would later become the default desktop image on Windows XP.

In an interview with People, O’Rear shared the story behind the photo, revealing that it was taken during a pitstop on his way to meet his future wife in Marin County, California. Little did he know that this simple snapshot would go on to become one of the most recognizable images in the world, thanks to Microsoft’s decision to use it as the default wallpaper for Windows XP.

Despite the image’s widespread popularity, O’Rear explained that the process of selling it to Microsoft was not as straightforward as one might think. The tech giant paid a ‘low six-figure’ sum for the photo, but the transaction required O’Rear to hand-deliver the original snap to Microsoft’s Seattle office in person, as FedEx refused to handle it due to the high insurance costs.

Interestingly, O’Rear ended up receiving a larger sum for Bliss than another photographer whose image was also used by Microsoft. Peter Burin, the photographer behind the ‘Autumn’ wallpaper, received a significantly smaller cut in comparison, highlighting the impact and value of O’Rear’s iconic photograph.

Despite spending over two decades as a photographer at National Geographic, O’Rear acknowledges that Bliss remains his most famous image, with people from all over the world recognizing and appreciating its beauty. The image continues to be a timeless symbol of tranquility and serenity, making it a memorable piece of art that will likely be remembered for generations to come.


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