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HomeDavid McCormickLive updates on primary and attorney general race in Pennsylvania's 2024 election

Live updates on primary and attorney general race in Pennsylvania’s 2024 election

Students at University of Pennsylvania Polling Place Urge “Uncommitted” Votes in Protest of U.S. Support for Israel

The Pennsylvania primary election took an unexpected turn as a group of students and activists outside a polling place on the University of Pennsylvania’s campus urged voters to write in “Uncommitted” instead of casting a vote for President Joe Biden. Their message was clear – they reject U.S. support for Israel during the country’s war in Gaza, which has resulted in the deaths of more than 34,000 Palestinians since the recent attack by Hamas on Oct. 7.

The group, known as Uncommitted PA, is part of a larger movement in other states where Democratic voters have chosen to cast “Uncommitted” votes in protest against Biden’s stance on the conflict in Gaza. They are calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, an end to U.S. aid to Israel, and the reinstatement of funding for the UNWRA.

One voter, Samah Elhajibrahim, a recent PhD graduate at Penn, explained her decision to vote “Uncommitted” in the primary as a response to the ongoing genocide in Gaza, which she believes the U.S. is complicit in through its support of Israel.

State Rep. Chris Rabb also showed his support for the group, emphasizing the importance of nonviolent civil disobedience and direct action in bringing about change. He refrained from commenting on Uncommitted PA’s specific demands but expressed his belief that the U.S. should not support Israel’s actions in Gaza.

The movement highlights a growing dissatisfaction among some Democratic voters with the party’s stance on the conflict in Gaza and raises questions about the choices available to voters in the upcoming general election. As the group aims to organize at least 40,000 “Uncommitted” write-in votes, their actions serve as a reminder of the power of grassroots activism in shaping political discourse and holding elected officials accountable.


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