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HomeEric HovdeLawsuit filed against Eric Hovde's bank for elder abuse and wrongful death...

Lawsuit filed against Eric Hovde’s bank for elder abuse and wrongful death at a nursing home

Eric Hovde’s Sunwest Bank Faces Lawsuit Over Nursing Home Abuse Allegations

The Republican U.S. Senate candidate Eric Hovde finds himself embroiled in controversy as his Utah-based company, Sunwest Bank, faces a lawsuit over allegations of elder abuse and wrongful death at a nursing home owned by the bank. The lawsuit, filed just days after Hovde made controversial comments about nursing home residents’ ability to vote, stems from incidents at an assisted living facility in Claremont, Calif. in 2022.

A 94-year-old woman with dementia fell multiple times at the facility and eventually passed away from her injuries, leading to a wrongful death lawsuit against Sunwest and the nursing home. Hovde’s campaign spokesman has denied any wrongdoing on the part of the bank, stating that a bank executive cannot be held responsible for the actions of a business.

The timing of the lawsuit and Hovde’s comments on nursing home residents voting could have political implications, as a recent poll shows his opponent, Sen. Tammy Baldwin, holding a significant lead among voters over the age of 60. Vice President Kamala Harris also recently spoke in Wisconsin about proposed regulations for nursing homes, but the Hovde campaign has not yet commented on the issue.

As the Senate race in Wisconsin heats up, Hovde’s connection to the lawsuit and his controversial remarks are sure to be closely watched by voters and political observers alike.


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