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HomeChuck HandKing Charles expresses deep sorrow over absence from Maundy Thursday service

King Charles expresses deep sorrow over absence from Maundy Thursday service

King Charles III expresses “great sadness” at missing Maundy service due to cancer treatment

King Charles III expressed his “great sadness” at not being able to attend the traditional Maundy Thursday service due to his ongoing cancer treatment. Instead, Queen Camilla represented the royal family at the service, where she distributed Maundy money to 150 recipients in honor of the monarch’s age.

Despite his absence, King Charles III recorded a heartfelt message reaffirming his commitment to serving the people with his whole heart. He praised those who extend the hand of friendship, especially in times of need, and expressed his regret at not being able to be present at the service.

The Maundy service, one of the oldest royal ceremonies dating back to the 13th Century, involves giving purses of coins to older individuals who have contributed to their communities. This year’s recipients received special coins commemorating various events and organizations, including the Royal National Lifeboat Institution’s 200th anniversary.

Among the recipients was Norman Tomlinson, 72, who received the unique coins for his dedicated work with his local hospice and Catholic church. He described the experience as “once in a lifetime” and expressed his well wishes for the King and Princess of Wales’s recovery.

Despite his health challenges, King Charles III has continued to carry out meetings and engagements, including an audience with Mohamed Nasheed, secretary-general of the Climate Vulnerable Forum. He is expected to attend the Easter church service at St George’s Chapel in Windsor, albeit in a smaller capacity due to Princess Catherine’s ongoing recovery.

The Maundy service was not without controversy, as the anti-monarchy group Republic issued a statement criticizing the monarchy’s impact on democracy. Protest chants could be heard as the Queen arrived at Worcester Cathedral, highlighting the ongoing debate surrounding the role of the royal family in modern society.


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