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Greene continues efforts to remove Johnson and cautions against renewed push for Ukraine aid

CNN: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Threatens Speaker Mike Johnson Over Ukraine Aid Package

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is making headlines once again, this time for her bold warning to Speaker Mike Johnson regarding the aid package for Ukraine. In a recent phone interview with CNN, Greene expressed her strong opposition to any aid package that includes funding for Ukraine in its war against Russia.

Greene, known for her fiery rhetoric, stated that GOP voters are “furious” at Johnson for his recent deal-making to keep the government open. She made it clear that she will not accept any package that supports Ukraine, even if it includes border security provisions.

The congresswoman issued a stern warning against moving forward with any Ukraine bill that has significant Democratic support under the House process known as “suspension of the rules.” Greene emphasized that funding Ukraine would be one of the “most egregious things” Johnson could do, and she hinted at the possibility of seeking his ouster through a House vote.

Johnson, on the other hand, has been working behind the scenes to put together a new House plan for Ukraine aid. Despite Trump’s support for turning Ukraine aid into a loan, Greene criticized the idea, calling it “insulting to the American people.”

The tension between Greene and Johnson highlights the deep divisions within the GOP, with Greene’s comments underscoring the power of individual members in Johnson’s razor-thin majority. As the debate over Ukraine aid continues, the future of the aid package and Johnson’s speakership remain uncertain.

In the midst of this political drama, Greene also took aim at fellow GOP hardliner Rep. Bob Good, indicating that she plans to campaign against him in his primary. With Greene’s continued outspokenness and determination, the dynamics within the GOP are sure to shift in the coming weeks.


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