Sunday, June 30, 2024
HomeDouglas AlexanderFive of the most controversial moments involving Mhairi Black

Five of the most controversial moments involving Mhairi Black

Mhairi Black: The Departure of a Controversial SNP MP

Mhairi Black, the deputy leader of the SNP group in Westminster, has announced her decision to step down as an MP at the next election, making her the sixth SNP member to do so. This comes as a surprise to many, considering Black’s young age and her impactful entry into parliament by unseating Labour’s Douglas Alexander in 2015.

The trend of SNP MPs leaving their positions seems to be growing, with 13 percent of the group not standing for re-election in 2024. Black’s statement cited a desire to escape the ‘toxic’ culture of Westminster and focus on her personal life.

During her time in office, Black made headlines for various reasons, including breaking her own government’s drinking rules by openly consuming alcohol on a train, being the first MP to use a controversial word in a speech, and engaging in heated exchanges with fellow politicians.

Despite her controversial moments, Black’s departure has been met with praise from some, with First Minister Humza Yousaf calling her a ‘trailblazer’ and former leader Nicola Sturgeon expressing disappointment at her decision. The question now remains whether Black and the other departing MPs will return to politics in the future. Only time will tell.


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