Sunday, June 30, 2024
HomeKari LakeEven Donald Trump is tired of Kari Lake and wants her to...

Even Donald Trump is tired of Kari Lake and wants her to leave Mar-a-Lago

Donald Trump Concerned About Kari Lake’s Impact on Arizona Senate Race

The saga of Kari Lake continues as the former gubernatorial candidate finds herself in hot water with none other than Donald Trump himself. Despite her frequent visits to Mar-a-Lago, Trump is reportedly not pleased with Lake’s presence in Florida, fearing that she may harm his chances in the battleground state of Arizona.

Sources have revealed that Trump has expressed concerns about Lake’s ability to win in Arizona and worries that she may drag down his own poll numbers as he eyes a potential presidential run in 2024. This comes as a blow to Lake, who has been a vocal supporter of Trump and has made efforts to align herself with the former president.

However, Lake’s time in the spotlight has not been without controversy. From her staunch denial of the 2020 election results to her caustic personality and divisive remarks about fellow Republicans, Lake has faced criticism from both within and outside the GOP. Her erratic behavior, including hosting fundraisers with unhinged rants from Roseanne Barr, has only added to the skepticism surrounding her candidacy.

Despite enjoying support from some within the Republican establishment, Lake’s electability remains a point of contention. Her lackluster fundraising efforts and questionable campaign tactics have raised doubts about her ability to secure a Senate seat in Arizona. Meanwhile, her Democratic opponent, Ruben Gallego, presents a more mainstream and stable alternative for voters.

As Lake continues to navigate the tumultuous world of politics, it remains to be seen whether she can overcome the obstacles in her path and emerge as a viable candidate. With Trump’s wavering support and a growing list of controversies, Lake’s future in Arizona politics hangs in the balance.


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