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HomePennsylvaniaDebates to be a key factor in Pennsylvania's 2024 US Senate race

Debates to be a key factor in Pennsylvania’s 2024 US Senate race

Democratic Senator Bob Casey Proposes Series of Debates with Republican Challenger David McCormick in Pennsylvania Senate Race

Democratic Senator Bob Casey of Pennsylvania has proposed a series of debates with his Republican challenger David McCormick leading up to the November general election, and McCormick has accepted the challenge. The race for a Senate seat in the battleground state is expected to be highly competitive and costly, with control of the chamber at stake.

Casey intends to participate in three debates in the fall, one each in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Harrisburg before the Nov. 5 election. This proposal is in line with Pennsylvania’s tradition of political debates, according to Casey. McCormick sees the debates as an opportunity for the candidates to present their case to the public.

Both candidates were uncontested in their party’s primary election, setting the stage for a six-month campaign leading up to the general election. The last robust conversation between Senate candidates in Pennsylvania was in 2006 when Casey and then-GOP Senator Rick Santorum had four debates.

In recent years, the tradition of televised debates as a forum for voters to evaluate candidates has declined. However, a series of three debates in the Pennsylvania Senate race could provide voters with valuable insights into the candidates’ positions and priorities.

In the 2022 Senate race, Democratic nominee John Fetterman agreed to participate in just one debate due to health concerns following a stroke. His Republican rival, Dr. Mehmet Oz, had questioned the severity of Fetterman’s health problems, leading to pressure for a debate.

In contrast, the 2022 gubernatorial race in Pennsylvania saw Democrat Josh Shapiro and Republican Doug Mastriano not debating at all. Mastriano opted for a partisan moderator in a hotel ballroom setting, highlighting the evolving landscape of political debates in the state.


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