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HomePoliticsComparing Biden's Age of 81 to Other World Leaders

Comparing Biden’s Age of 81 to Other World Leaders

Examining the Ages of Current National Leaders: A Global Context for Biden and Trump’s Reelection Bids

The 2024 U.S. presidential election is shaping up to be a battle between two of the oldest national leaders in the world. President Joe Biden, at 81, holds the distinction of being the oldest American president, a title he has held since taking office at age 78. Former President Donald Trump, who is 77, is also among the 20 oldest world leaders currently in power.

A recent analysis by the Pew Research Center examined the ages of current national leaders in 187 United Nations member states, placing Biden and Trump in a global context. The study found that the median age of national leaders is 62, with the largest share of leaders in their 60s. Biden, at 81, falls into the 5% of leaders who are in their 80s.

Interestingly, countries that are classified as less free tend to have older leaders. In countries classified as “not free,” the median age of the national leader is 68, compared to 62 in “partly free” countries and 60 in “free” countries. The United States is one of only three free countries with a leader age 80 or older, along with Ghana and Namibia.

When it comes to gender, the analysis found that the median age for women leaders and men leaders is the same. However, among the 14 women leaders currently in power, 29% are in their 40s, compared to 14% of male leaders.

Overall, the analysis highlights the age diversity among national leaders around the world and sheds light on the unique position of Biden and Trump as they vie for the presidency once again. American voters, according to a recent survey, express skepticism about both candidates’ fitness for the job, with concerns about mental and physical fitness. As the election season heats up, the age of the candidates is sure to be a topic of discussion among voters and analysts alike.


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