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HomeChuck HandChuck Norris Recalls an 'Adventurous' Drive with Bruce Lee: Keeping His Hands...

Chuck Norris Recalls an ‘Adventurous’ Drive with Bruce Lee: Keeping His Hands Firm

Bruce Lee’s Obsession with Training: Chuck Norris Reveals Surprising Details

The legendary martial arts icons Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris shared a unique bond that went beyond their skills in combat. In a recent revelation from Lee’s 2018 biography, it was disclosed that the two trained together for two years in Norris’s backyard, solidifying their friendship.

One particular anecdote shared in the biography highlighted Lee’s unusual habit of carrying a makiwara board while driving with Norris. The makiwara board is a traditional padded striking post used by karate practitioners to practice strikes. Norris recalled how Lee would keep the board on his lap or the seat next to him while driving, using it to keep his hands hard by striking it with his fist or knuckles whenever they were caught in traffic or at a stoplight.

This quirky behavior showcased Lee’s dedication to his craft and his relentless pursuit of training, even in everyday activities like driving. Norris, who was impressed by Lee’s commitment to martial arts, also observed other lesser-known training secrets of the martial arts legend.

Their shared passion for martial arts not only strengthened their friendship but also allowed Norris to witness firsthand why Lee was a global star. From performing various exercises, push-ups, sit-ups, kicks, and punches to even incorporating training into mundane activities like watching TV or putting on pants, Lee’s dedication to training and conditioning was unparalleled.

Chuck Norris considered it an honor to train regularly with Bruce Lee, whom he described as a hardworking and tough fighter. Their friendship and shared love for martial arts continue to inspire fans and practitioners alike, showcasing the enduring legacy of these two martial arts prodigies.


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