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HomeChuck HandCharles Barkley, 60lbs Lighter, Seeks Redemption with Narrow Win over Kenny Smith...

Charles Barkley, 60lbs Lighter, Seeks Redemption with Narrow Win over Kenny Smith on Live TV: Don’t Call Me Chuck, Call Me Champ!

Halftime Hilarity: Charles Barkley Wins Race to the Board Over Kenny Smith

The Race to the Board: Charles Barkley Beats Kenny Smith in Halftime Showdown

In a surprising turn of events during halftime, Charles Barkley emerged victorious in a race to the board against his colleague Kenny Smith. The Round Mound of Rebound showcased his athleticism at 60 years old, edging out “The Jet” in a close finish.

Despite Barkley’s questionable form, he managed to touch the board a millisecond before Smith, securing his win. The NBA legend, who has never won a championship, proudly declared, “Don’t call me Chuck, call me Champ!” It was a small victory for Barkley, but a significant one nonetheless.

Barkley’s recent 60lbs weight loss seemed to have paid off in the only sporting event he participates in, as he outpaced Smith in the race. Even Shaquille O’Neal offered Smith a chance at redemption with another race, after Kenny failed to challenge him in a previous showdown.

The hilarious moment provided fans with a much-needed breather during the halftime report, as Barkley and Smith’s awkward running forms were meme-fied. Barkley was likened to a T-Rex in Jurassic Park chasing a Jeep, while Smith’s stylish power walk to the board had everyone in stitches.

Kenny even did his best Barkley walk impression through the halftime report, prompting Barkley to playfully threaten him. Fans are now petitioning for all halftime reports to be done in this funny walk style, as it provided a moment of hilarity in an otherwise serious game analysis.

Ernie Johnson rightfully pointed out that the highlight of the halftime show was the race to the board, showcasing the fun and camaraderie between the analysts. Despite the competitive spirit, it was all in good fun, and Barkley’s victory brought a smile to everyone’s faces.


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