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HomeChuck HandButcher taunts King Charles by selling his 'sausage fingers'

Butcher taunts King Charles by selling his ‘sausage fingers’

New Zealand Butcher Trolls King Charles III with “Sausage Fingers” Sausages

The cheeky butcher at Avon’s Butchery in Auckland, New Zealand, has found a unique way to capitalize on King Charles III’s ascension to the throne. Inspired by the monarch’s notorious “sausage fingers,” the butcher has created a line of sausages aptly named “King Charles Sausage Fingers.”

The butcher initially teased the creation with a humorous post on social media, superimposing sausages over the king’s fingers and jokingly captioning it with “I’m going to hell.” The post quickly gained traction online, leading to the actual production and sale of the sausages at the butcher shop.

King Charles III’s swollen-red fingers have long been a subject of ridicule, with internet trolls ramping up the roasting after his ascension to the throne. Photoshopped images of the king with sausages for fingers and comparisons to King Arthur pulling the sword from the stone have flooded social media.

Dr. Gareth Nye, a senior lecturer at the University of Chester, weighed in on the potential health implications of the king’s bloated fingers, citing conditions like oedema and arthritis as possible causes. However, he reassured the public that there is no immediate cause for concern and that it is likely a sign of the king’s age.

The “King Charles Sausage Fingers” have become a hot commodity at Avon’s Butchery, with limited stocks due to high demand. While the sausages may be a cheeky way to poke fun at the monarch, they have certainly captured the attention of customers and social media users alike.


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