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HomeDavid McCormickBob Casey and David McCormick are prepared to debate for Pennsylvania Senate...

Bob Casey and David McCormick are prepared to debate for Pennsylvania Senate seat, according to NBC10 Philadelphia.

Democratic Sen. Bob Casey Proposes Series of Debates with Republican Challenger David McCormick

Democratic Senator Bob Casey of Pennsylvania has proposed a series of three debates with his Republican challenger David McCormick ahead of the November election, and McCormick has eagerly accepted the challenge. The battleground state’s Senate race is expected to be a costly and crucial one in determining control of the chamber next year.

Casey intends to participate in debates in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Harrisburg, citing Pennsylvania’s history of political debates as the reason for his proposal. McCormick, speaking at a campaign event, expressed his support for the idea, stating that it provides an opportunity for the candidates to make their case to the public.

The last time a Senate race in Pennsylvania saw such a robust debate schedule was in 2006 when Casey and then-GOP Senator Rick Santorum engaged in four debates. In recent years, debates have not been a major feature of Senate races in the state, with only one or two debates taking place in the last five contests.

In the 2022 Senate race, Democratic nominee John Fetterman agreed to participate in just one debate due to health issues following a stroke. His Republican rival, Dr. Mehmet Oz, had pressured Fetterman to debate, questioning the severity of his health problems.

In contrast, the 2022 gubernatorial race in Pennsylvania did not see any debates between Democrat Josh Shapiro and Republican Doug Mastriano. Mastriano rejected a media-moderated debate and instead opted for a partisan debate with a moderator of his choosing.

The upcoming debates between Casey and McCormick are expected to be a highlight of the Senate race, providing voters with an opportunity to hear directly from the candidates on key issues facing the state and the nation.


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